WA Charity Direct

WA Charity Direct

WA Charity Direct is a very important charity that does fantastic work across our community.

The charity is a unique charitable organisation that focuses solely on assisting the people of Western Australia. Established in 2004 the charity has donated over $2 million making a significant difference too many lives across WA.

WA Charity Direct helps a range of people in various ways from helping families going through financial hardship, helping with medical costs & equipment to supporting with home & vehicle modifications that make day to day activities a little easier for those with disabilities.

WA Charity Direct is run by professionals who donate their time and expertise – 100% of all funds raised go directly to charity and are raised through the generous donations by WA Charity Direct members.

Individuals and Charity Organisations can apply for assistance through the WA Charity Direct website. Each application for assistance is considered and assessed and funds are distributed appropriately. 

The generous donations by the members continue to provide support & make an important difference to so many families across Western Australia
Here are some of the incredible stories from members of our community that have been supported by the great work of WA Charity Direct!

If you want to get involved or you or someone you know is in need of support make sure to check out their website: WA Charity Direct