Is a commercial solar power system worth it?      

The cost of commercial power has risen dramatically in the last 10 years.   In March 2017 The Sydney Morning Herald featured national average wholesale electricity prices (compiled by University of Melbourne Climate Change and Energy College).  The most expensive energy price in 2000 was $60 per MW hour.  This has climbed to $130 per MW hour in 2017.  That is over a 100% increase.  The question is, can you afford electricity increases on this scale?

These increases are not likely to go away.  The article associates the dramatic increases on soaring gas prices and investment uncertainty over what power plants to build as ageing coal generators shut down. 

The best way to mitigate rising energy prices is to invest in a commercial solar power system.  Not only to provide relief against these power price hikes, the payback time is often less than you think.  So, without doubt, it is worth it.

What you need to know about commercial solar power panels

Besides mitigating energy price hikes did you know that you can:

  • •    Claim Full GST upfront on purchase
  • •    Little or no capital outlay
  • •    No upfront cost
  • •    Are eligible for renewable energy certificates depending on size.  Small-Scale Technology Certificates (STC’s) apply to commercial PV under 100kW, while industrial and large-scale PV systems (or wind farms) over 100kW qualify for LGCs.  This will extend a significant contribution towards purchase cost of commercial solar power panels.
  • •    You can still claim a feed-in tariff for the solar energy you put back into the grid.

If you choose Termico Solar Generation for your commercial solar panels we will provide:

  • •    A full cost analysis looking at payback times
  • •    Attend to STC rebates
  • •    Apply for electricity retailer approval
  • •    Put in the network operator application
  • •    Work with you to seek building approval and obtain structural engineering certificates.

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