Solar Inverter Shut Down Procedure

In the event of an emergency or for maintenance, your system will need to be shutdown.

The “Shutdown Procedure”  can be located on a label on your inverter and will advice you to follow these steps:

1.    Turn off the “Main Switch (Inverter Supply)” located in the switchboard.
2.    Turn off the “AC Inverter Isolator” located next to the inverter.
3.    Turn off the “PV Array DC Isolator” located next to the inverter.
4.    Power on the system by reversing this procedure.

WARNING: Do not open plug and socket connectors or PV string isolators while the system is under load.

If you are unsure about any of these steps, or have any other inverter issues you would like to discuss with us please contact us today on 9443 8896.