Save more with solar

Now that you have your new solar system installed it’s time to put it to work!

Here are some hints and tips on how you can make the most from your investment and save even more with solar:

1.)   Make the most of the Perth sunshine even when you’re not at home.

Now that you have solar you want to make the most from your system by ensuring you make use of the power being generated throughout the day. Even if you’re out at work during the day don’t worry you can still put your system to work by making use of timers!

Even if your appliances don’t come with a built in timers don’t worry as you can purchase plug in timers for your key appliances from Bunnings from around $6 upwards.

Here are some of the things we use timers for:

  • Garden reticulation systems – On your allocated watering days you are able to use your reticulation system once a day before 9am or after 6pm. Therefore make sure the timer on your reticulation system is set to come on around 7am once the suns up and your system is generating power
  • Pool Systems – Most pool pumps are meant to run for around 8 hours a day so again set your timers so that your pump does a circle in the morning once the suns up and again late afternoon before the sun goes down.
  • Dishwashers – Most dishwashers have built in timers so make use of these by popping your dishwasher on a timer so that it runs during the day while your solar system is generating power.
  • Washing Machines – Like dishwashers most models will have a built in timer, so again you can set this to run during the day ready for your washing to be hung on the line when you get home from work.
  • Oven / Slow Cooker – oven / slow cooker timers are great. Not only does it mean you’re using the power during the day but also means dinner is already sorted by the time I get home – win win!
  • Aircon – If I know it’s going to be a particularly hot day / evening but you’re not going to be home until late. You can set your aircon to run for an hour before the sun goes down which will help keep your home a little cooler for when you return.

If you are at home during the day then make the most of the power by charging phones, laptops etc while the suns up!

2.)    Give consideration to how many appliances you are running at once

By limiting, the number of appliances you are running at once will conserve your solar systems energy. For example, wait for the washing machine to finish before putting on the dishwasher.

3.)    Making use of solar usage apps

If there’s one thing that will help keep you on top of your solar panels, it is tracking your home’s energy usage. Most providers have an app where you can track this and / or provide an option for you to set up email alerts with daily, weekly or monthly reports.

This will provide you with a breakdown of energy produced each day. Having this information at your disposal will give you an insight into when your panels are exporting the most, so you can get more savvy with your appliance use. For example if you find that your system generates the most energy at 1pm, then you may want to set a timer on your dishwasher to start its cycle at the same time.